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How We Help in Today’s Job Market | CareerOyster
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How We Help in Today’s Job Market

Consider these...

The Myths
... and often Prevailing Opinions
Consider these...Myth 1: I updated my old resume and I think it looks good.
Reality: Most resumes look alike. 50% of the resumes we review are totally unable to get through the technology and recruiting screens. 40% are average and look the same. Only 10% are exceptional enough to stand out. To get the best jobs in today's competitive world, only an exceptional selling resume will work.


Myth 2: All I need do is start answering ads and sending out lots of resumes. Reality: For most people, responding to ads doesn't work. Every posting gets hundreds of responses. 80% of the screening is done by technology and a 20 second scan by recruiters. The recruiters don't find the five best candidates, they find the first five candidates.


Myth 3: I can always get a job with my network. Reality: In today's marketplace, relying on "who you know" just is not enough. 95% of the people we've coached have had a network of contacts; but not where there are appropriate jobs. Proactively building a network and converting contacts into relationships is a critical key to success.


Myth: 4: Search firms and recruiters will love my background. Reality: Remember recruiters work for the companies, not you! In today's economy, search firms are overwhelmed with candidates. Recruiters only help a small percentage of job seekers where the opportunity lines up to their pedigree background. 95% of candidates are on their own!


Myth 5: My friends say I'll have no trouble getting the same or a better job. Reality: Marketability is more important than ever as product life cycles and demand changes are at increasing speeds. Job searching itself is more competitive and requires a sales process highlight the right skills. Just showing up, having some personality, even with a connection, will not win the day.


Myth 6: If I get the interview, I'll get the job. Reality: “The most qualified person doesn't always get the job, it's the person that interviews the best!“ And for every job, there are 5 to 10 qualified candidates. There's no offer for runner-up. 70% of the decision is chemistry; how you guide the interview, sell yourself and relate to the interviewer's needs are the keys to winning the offer!


Myth 7: I can get by with the boards, I don't need to learn LinkedIn. Reality: LinkedIn is a key tool for job search since it allows one to proactively build their network, establish relationships, identify companies and opportunities and more importantly tap into the hidden job market. It is an essential tool to proactively manage your career. Ignore it at your own peril.


Myth 8:I watched the job boards every day, there aren't any jobs available. Reality: There are always hundreds of jobs available for creative and talented people. Many of these jobs are never published but are created based on relationships and opportunity. Overachievers move on, underachievers are replaced and opportunities are created for people who can sell their value.


Myth 9: It will only take me two months to find a spot. Reality: While the market is improving slowly, the hiring process is more complex and the number of candidates being interviewed is larger than ever. Hiring cycles have doubled or tripled in the past several years, even for marketable candidates. Getting interviews is not easy, getting offers will take some time. Plan on it.


Myth 10: The purpose of the resume is to get the interview. It should be one to two pages maximum.Reality: Resume length can vary based on the experience and marketability of the person. An experienced person with a brief resume will often be rejected in the screening process. The purpose of the resume is far more than to get an interview, it has 6 purposes in the job search process. We can teach you these purposes. Your resume must sell you when you're not there. An average resume is often the difference in finishing second not first.

Technology and Innovation

The Facts

Technology Impacts

Technology and Innovation

Where have all the Jobs gone?

  • Advances in computer applications and technology have streamlined job functions and displaced jobs.
  • The Internet has leveled the playing field and it enables jobs to be done remotely in any part of the world.
  • New startups and small companies can use technology vs. manpower to compete with larger companies.
  • Internet Marketing, brand awareness and communications of products drives down the cost of sales.
  • As logistics costs decrease, products can be shipped easily around the globe.
  • Repeatable tasks can be automated. Low-end tasks can be delegated. Low-cost task can be outsourced.
  • The number of openings formerly required for intercompany communications have been eliminated.
  • Technology can be an enabler to reach new customers around the world via exports.

Global Competition

The Facts

Global Strategies of Large Companies

They locate where the labor cost is less.

  • Large companies are have no geographic boundaries.
  • They roam the world for opportunities and talent and have little loyalty to a community.
  • Regulatory, tax incentives and tax avoidance often drive location decisions.
  • Outsourcing, offshoring, near shoring options are also accessible to small, medium and large firms.
  • Profits, lower retail prices and cost cutting has replaced loyalty to employees.
  • Low skill jobs and manual skills can be purchased offshore at a lower cost.
  • The financial markets demand quarterly profits versus long term investments.
  • International mergers, acquisitions and lean corporate structures improve efficiency but reduce employment.
  • Declining long-term worker benefits and social responsibility prevails in today's business climate.
  • People seem to be replaceable and expendable in the name of profits.
  • Entrepreneurs also are taking advantage of easy to reach global resources and services.

The Facts

Global Workforces Compete.

  • Good paying jobs are becoming a scarce and highly sought after commodity.
  • “The Coming Jobs War” (by Jim Clifton, Chairman of Gallup) predicts this shortfall of good jobs.
  • The competitive candidate pool is no longer just the US, but includes candidates around the world.
  • Most new jobs will be in the cities where infrastructure and universities reside.
  • Marketability and education for the newest skills is in demand but US candidates are in short supply.
  • Contractors, consultants and temporaries are available for all roles within a firm. The advantages are flexibility in labor costs, benefits and project oriented structures.
  • The technical and educational capabilities of Asia and third world countries is rapidly catching up.
  • Companies don't invest in people, they hire based on skills for an immediate project or need.
  • The average tenure in most jobs is declining. Many people will change jobs 14 times in their careers.
  • Many Baby Boomers have postponed retirement for financial and personal reasons thus restricting upward mobility and replacement hires.
  • Educational dropouts are causing a large number of low level employees vs Knowledge workers.
  • Salaries are stagnant and declining because there are many candidates for most jobs.
  • Many industries and products have matured or declined in their Product Life Cycle demand.
  • The mobility of US workers will increase with the Affordable Care Act.


The Challenges

The most common challenges of Job Seekers in this "Global Marketplace".

challenges Finding the jobs

  • Changing jobs is not like it used to be. They used to come to me!
  • My industry is declining, how do I change to a better industry?
  • How do I find contacts in the small and medium-sized companies where they’re hiring?
  • There's nothing available in my market. What’s the so-called hidden market?
  • Where are these jobs in the so called “hidden job” market? I don’t have a good network.
  • Whats the connection between LinkedIn and my career? I hate networking.
  • I don’t understand personal branding?
  • In this global economy, with constant changes, what’s the best course for my career?
  • How can I network to my targeted contacts effectively?

"Why am I not getting hired?" or Do I know my career liabilities?

  • My age is the whole problem. I’m too old.
  • I’m too specialized. My skills are narrow or out of date.
  • Everyone says I’m overqualified.
  • The fact that I am unemployed is preventing me from finding a job.
  • When the Economy comes back, that’s when I’ll get a job.
  • I don’t have the educational credentials, so I need to get a certificate.
  • I just completed my degree and need to enter my chosen field.
  • My industry is slow so I’ll have to change industries.
  • I don’t have the right contacts so I can’t get there.
  • My track record has gaps, jumps, overstays.
  • I was an entrepreneur or self-employed in my past job.
  • I've been too loyal to my present company and stayed too long.

Am I able to compete for jobs today?

  • I’m sending out resumes and getting no response.
  • How do I get my resume to stand out from the herd?
  • I can’t get through the technology screenings.
  • How many interviews do they have? Phone, technical screens, panel interviews, behavioral , executive etc.
  • How do I address and overcome my personal liabilities: I'm too old… Specialized… General… Overqualified…
  • How do I handle my job history liabilities: Unemployed… Gaps …jumps… overstays
  • How do I get some interviews? Even the recruiters don’t call me back.
  • I’m not confident interviewing in this competitive world.
  • How do I get back to my past earnings level?
  • How do I present my transferable skills effectively.
  • It takes forever to get a decision. Hiring cycles have doubled.


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