Deprecated: Function add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3.0 with no alternative available. in /var/www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085

WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'source_name' in 'field list']
INSERT IGNORE INTO `wp_633n623gtn_statistics_visitor` (`last_counter`, `referred`, `source_name`, `source_channel`, `agent`, `platform`, `version`, `device`, `model`, `ip`, `location`, `city`, `region`, `continent`, `user_id`, `UAString`, `hits`, `honeypot`) VALUES ('2024-11-28', '', NULL, NULL, 'Chrome', 'Windows', '62.0', 'desktop', '', '', 'US', 'Boca Raton', 'Florida', 'North America', 0, '', '1', '0')

WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'region' in 'field list']
INSERT INTO `wp_633n623gtn_statistics_useronline` (`ip`, `timestamp`, `created`, `date`, `referred`, `agent`, `platform`, `version`, `location`, `region`, `continent`, `city`, `user_id`, `page_id`, `type`, `visitor_id`) VALUES ('', '1732792713', '1732792713', '2024-11-28 11:18:33', '', 'Chrome', 'Windows', '62.0', 'US', 'Florida', 'North America', 'Boca Raton', 0, '21384', 'page', '0')

Coaching for Consultants & Entrepreneurs | CareerOyster
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(404) 386-0265

Engage a Career Coach Today.

Our specialized "NICHE" Coaches create customized plans for every career transition.
Every job seeker needs a unique plan. Career plans and goals vary over time.
    • Career coach is coaching Job applicant for interview.Explore the 6 external factors that determine career success. 
    • Incorporate your personal priorities and timing.
    • Understand your hidden motivators.
    • Assess your realistic options and marketability.
    • Understand career transitions – challenges, risks, strategy.
    • Define a proactive 5 year plan.


Coaching for Consultants & Entrepreneurs:

Is controlling your future, your primary goal? What is the best option?
Let our consultants challenge your decision and your plan. Then advise:
Avoid mistakes. Prevent false starts. Optimize Marketability. Plan for success.
    • Career coach is coaching Job applicant for interview.What is the upside?   What are the risks?   
    • What is my plan B?   What if … ? 
    • Transitioning your career from corporate to consultant.
    • Successful transition to a new career and successful startup.
    • Finding your consulting clients and maintaining revenues.
    • Building a business, not a practice.   Are you really ready?