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CareerOyster | We offer career coaching and job search consulting services.
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(404) 386-0265

Job Search Coaching

Beginning-to-End Programs.
Custom forward-looking Resumes.
Mock interview training and practice.
Networking and Social Media Expertise. 
100+ targeted Contacts.
Manage your Career now and for life.

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Coaching Program Options

•  Executive Job Search Program
•  Professional Job Search Program
•  "Affordable Group" Program
•  eCareerSearch Self-Service Options
•  1-on-1 Resume and Interview Coaching

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1-on-1 Initial Consultations

Job applicant in an interview.

Coaches & Programs are Niche Focused

 SalesOyster - Sales & Marketing Pros
 FinanceOyster - Accounting & Finance Pros
 TechOyster - IT & Tech Specialists 
 CollegeOyster - College Graduates 
 SeniorOyster - Focus on 55+ Challenges

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